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2018年07月18日 23:19  点击:[]


研究领域:世界经济 中东经济 发展中国家发展问题理论与实践 旅游经济学






通讯地址:北京 1120 信箱;






先后就读于宁夏大学、山东大学和中国社会科学院研究生院,分别获得文学学士、经济学硕士和经济学博士学位。1990 年参加工作,具有多年的高星级饭店管理经验。2002 年调入山东大学(威海)商学院工作,讲授经济学、管理学专业基础课程。2007 年,受国家留学基金委选派,赴美国北亚利桑那大学(NAU) 访学。2011 年暑期,受学校选派,赴土耳其海峡大学(Bogazici University)进行合作研究。现供职于中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所中东研究室。

本人研究领域为世界经济,中东经济研究方向。研究兴趣包括发展中国家经济发展理论与实践和旅游经济学。曾主持国家软科学课题、山东省社科规划重点课题和外交部横向课题研究,并积极参与多项横向课题的研究。出版专著《旅游业发展的政府行为研究——以土耳其为例》,发表了《中国与中东国际产能合作的理论与政策》等论文 20 余篇。2015 年担任中国社会科学院研究生院世界经济专业中东经济方向硕士研究生导师。





1. 魏敏: “一带一路”框架下中国与中东基础设施互联互通的问题和对策研究》,《国际经济合作》2017 年第 12 期。

2. 魏敏:《一带一路背景下中土国际产能合作的风险及对策》,《国际经济合作》2017 5期。

3. 魏敏:《“一带一路”框架下中土产能合作面临的机遇和挑战》,《当代世界》2017 年第 5 期。

4. 魏敏王子源:《“一带一路”与中土国际产能合作的战略路径选择》,载于《“一带一路”发展报告 No.8(2016-2017)》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2017 年。

5. 魏敏:《中国与中东国际产能合作的理论与政策分析》,《阿拉伯世界研究》2016 年第 12 期。

6. 魏敏:《土耳其对“一带一路”倡议的认知及对中国的政策建议》,《国际经济合作》2016 年第 5 期。

7. 魏敏王金岩马学清:《2015 年国内外中东研究新进展》,载于《中东发展报告 No.(2015-2016)》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2016 年。

8. 魏敏:《中国拓展中东基础设施建设工程市场问题研究》,《中阿蓝皮书》, 北京:社会科学文献出版社,2016 年。

9. 魏敏:《丝绸之路经济带:中国与土耳其旅游合作的战略思考中》,《亚非纵横》2015 年第 1 期。

10. 魏敏:《阿联酋自由贸易区与“一带一路”倡议——发展历程、经验和作用》载于《中阿蓝皮书 2015 年》,银川:宁夏大学出版社,2015 年。

11. 魏敏:《土耳其》载于《西亚北非卷》,北京:对外经贸大学出版社,2012 年。

12. 魏敏:《土耳其旅游业发展研究》,《 西亚非洲》2012 年第 3 期。

13. 魏敏:《中东旅游业发展探析》,《西亚非洲》 2010 年第 12 期。

14. 魏敏:《我国滨海旅游度假区的开发及保护研究》,《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》, 2010 年第 3 期。

15. 魏敏:《世界旅游业发展趋势与胶东半岛旅游业发展战略定位》,《山东社会科学》 2010 年第 3 期。

16. 魏敏:《我国高星级饭店业提升竞争优势的战略路径》,《财贸经济》 2007 年第 12 期。

17. 魏敏:《我国高星级饭店业提升竞争优势的战略路径》 ,《旅游管理》人大复印资料转载,2008 年第 1 期

18. 魏敏: China-Middle East Cooperation in the Field of Infrastructure under the Framework of the “Belt and Road” InitiativeAsian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Vol. 11, No. 3, 2017, pp22-34.

19. Positioning Chinese Hotels for Global Competition, Co-author with Claudia Jurowski, Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on China Hospitality and Tourism Management, The American Scholars Press. ISBN 978-0-9798471-3-4.  

20. Recommendation to the Positioning of Small Middle-sized Hotel, Proceedings of 102010 International Symposium on Green Hospitality and Tourism Management, The American Scholars Press. ISBN 978-0-9798471-6-5.

21. Study on the Approaches to Get the Satisfactory Balance Between Tourism and the Protection of Historical Monuments on the Study of Summer Palace, Proceedings of Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management 2011.ISBN978-975-518-329-9.

22. An Analysis on tourism Development in Turkey, China and Korea Joint International Tourism Conference 2012, ISSN 1229-571X.


2017 年,中国社会科学院全球战略研究所研究报告(1.3 万字)。

2017 年,中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所连云港国情调研基地项目(1.5 万字),主持人。

2016 年,参与中国国际文化交流中心课题研究(2.0 万字),横向课题,主持人:李君如。

2015 年,外交部中东工业化与国际产能合作研究(3.5 万字),横向课题, 主持人。

2014 年,参与中国社会科学院“一带一路”沿线国家风险研究。主持人:蔡昉。

2013 年,参与中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所与云南社科院课题研究(3.0 万字),横向课题,主持人:杨光。

2011 年,参与中国信用保险公司课题研究(2.9 万字),横向课题,主持人: 杨光。  

2010 年,参与中国信用保险公司课题研究(2.3 万字),横向课题,主持人:杨光。  

2011-2012 年: 山东新北洋信息技术有限公司营销管理咨询,横向课题, 主持人。

2010-2011 年: 威海现代服务业及高端商务区发展研究(8.4 万字),横向课题,主持人。  

2008-2009 年: 服务业发展战略研究——悦海公园项目规划(1.3 万字),横向课题,主持人。

2007-2009 年: 我国滨海旅游度假胜地科学开发和保护前瞻性研究(11.7 万字),项目编号 2007GXQ4D167.国家软科学项目, 主持人。

2006-2008 年: 建设胶东半岛世界旅游度假胜地研究(6.4 万字), 项目编号 2006BJZ039. 山东省社科规划重点项目, 主持人。

2006-2007 年: 威海市旅游度假基地建设旅游度假产业链拓展研究(0.8 万字),山东大学威海分校服务地方项目,主持人。

2006-2006 年: 山东舜和连锁饭店发展战略研究(2.7 万字), 横向课题,主持人。

NameWei Min Title: Professor

Contact: No.3 Zhangzizhong Lu(Rd.), Dongcheng District, Beijing, China 100007. P.O. 1102 Beijing, China

Telephone: 010-6403-9160

Fax: 010-6403-9153

E-mail: weimin@cass.org.cn


Wei Min, Ph. D., a full professor in the Institute of West-Asian and African Studies (IWAAS), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS). Research field is World Economics, Middle East EconomicsDevelopment Economics and Tourism Economics.

Prior to joining Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, she worked as a manager in a four--star hotel for 12 years, and then she started her academic research and  teaching career on tourism economics in Shandong University (Weihai) as a associate professor for 12 years. During this period of time, she was served as a visiting scholar from Aug. 2007 to May.2008 in Northern Arizona University (NAU) and as a

co-researcher in Bogazici University, Turkey from Jun .to Aug. in 2011. She got her Ph.D. in Economics in the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (GACASS) in 2012, Master Degree in Economics in the School of Economics, Shandong University in 2006 and Bachelor of Arts in English and American Literature in 1990, Ningxia University.

Major Field of research

~~Middle East Economics and Development Economics

~~The Theory and Practice in Development Countries

~~Tourism Economy

Major Publications:

Book: Wei Min, The Study on the Government Behavior in Tourism Development

–Turkey as the case, Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Publishing House, 2017.

Refereed Journal Publications

Wei Min: Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Infrastructure Interconnection between China and the Middle East under the Belt and Road Initiative, International Economic Cooperation, No. 12, 2017.

Wei Min: China-Middle East Cooperation in the Field of Infrastructure under the Framework of the "Belt and Road" Initiative, Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Vol. 11, No. 3, 2017, pp. 22-34.

Wei Min: The risks and countermeasures of international production capacity cooperation between China and Turkey in the context of" One Belt and One Road ", International Economic Cooperation "No.5/2017.

Wei Min: Opportunities and Challenges Facing Middle-East Productivity Collaboration under the Belt and Road Initiative, The Contemporary World, 2017 No. 5.

Wei Min Wang Ziyuan: Strategic Options for" Belt and Road "Cooperation between China and Turkey in International Capacity-building," "Belt and Road" Development Report No. 8 (2016-2017), Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press 2017.

Wei Min: "Theory and Policy Analysis on International Productive Capacity Cooperation between China and the Middle East", Arab World Study, Issue 12, 2016.

Wei Min: Turkey's Cognition 0n the" Belt and Road Initiative "and Policy Suggestions, International Economic Cooperation, No. 5, 2016.

Wei Min, Wang Jinyan, Ma Xueqing, Recent Developments in Middle East Studies at Home and Abroad, 2015, Middle East Development Report No. (2015-2016), Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2016.

Wei Min: "China's Expansion of Middle East Infrastructure Construction Engineering Market Research", "Blue Book of Central Asia", Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2016.

Wei Min: Silk Road Economic Belt: China and Turkey Tourism Cooperation in Strategic Thinking, "Asian-African aspect" 2015 the first period.

Wei Min: The UAE Free Trade Zone and the" One Belt and One Road "Initiative

- History, Experiences and Roles, the Blue Book of China and Arab Countries, Yinchuan: Ningxia University Press, 2015.

Wei Min: "Turkey" in "West Asia North Africa Volume", Beijing: University of International Business and Economics Press, 2012.

Wei Min(2012), The Tourism Development in Turkey. West Asia and Africa, Vol.27, No. 85, 3.pp.

Wei Min, Analysis of the Tourism Development in the Middle East. West Asia and Africa, 2010 12.

Wei Min, Study on the development and protection of the coastal tourist resort. CASS Graduate School of Technology, 2010 3.

Wei Min, The trend of world tourism development and strategic positioning of the Tourism in Shandong Peninsula, Shandong Social Sciences, 2010 3.

Wei Min, Study on the Strategic Path to Improve the Competitive Strength of

Chinese High-star Rating Hotel, Finance and Trade Economics, 2007 12.

Refereed Conference Proceedings Publications

An Analysis on tourism Development in Turkey, China and Korea Joint International Tourism Conference 2012, ISSN 1229-571X.

Study on the Approaches to Get the Satisfactory Balance Between Tourism and the Protection of Historical Monuments on the Study of Summer Palace, Proceedings of Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management


Recommendation to the Positioning of Small Middle-sized Hotel, Proceedings of 2010 International Symposium on Green Hospitality and Tourism Management, The American Scholars Press. ISBN 978-0-9798471-6-5.

Positioning Chinese Hotels for Global Competition, Co-author with Claudia Jurowski, Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on China Hospitality and Tourism Management, The American Scholars Press. ISBN 978-0-9798471-3-4.

Research Reports

In 2017, Report to Institute of Global Strategy Research Report Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

In 2017, the project of the Lianyungang National Conditions Research Base of the Institute of West Asia and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, moderator.

In 2016, participated in the research project of China International Cultural Exchange Center, horizontal topic, Moderator: Li Junru

In 2015, Study on cooperation in the area of industrialization and international productivity in the Middle East for Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a horizontal topic and moderator.

In 2014, participated in the study of state risk along the "Belt and Road" , the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Moderator: Cai Fang

In 2013, participated in the research project of West Asia and Africa Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, horizontal topic, Moderator: Yang Guang

2011-2012: Shandong Newbeiyang Information Technology Co., Ltd. marketing and management consulting, horizontal project, Moderator: Yang Guang

2011: Participate in the Chinese credit insurance companies project, horizontal project, Moderator: Yang Guang

2010 : Participate in the Chinese credit insurance companies project, horizontal project, Moderator: Yang Guang

2010-2011: Research on Weihai modern service industry and high-end business district, Horizontal project, host.

2007-2009: The prospective study on the development and protection of Chinese seaside tourist resort , Project number 2007GXQ4D167 , State soft science project, host.

2006-2008: Research on construction of Shandong Peninsula world-class tourist resort , Project number 2006BJZ039, Social science planning project in Shandong Province, host.

2008-2009: Service Industry Development Strategy Research - Sea Park Hyatt project planning, horizontal project, host.

2006-2007: Research on expanding of tourism and resort chain in

Weihai , Shandong University at Weihai serving local development project, host.

2006-2006: The strategic study on Shandong Shunhe restaurants chain development , horizontal project, host.

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